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PT. Tabeldata Informatika
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Daftar Materi
1. Pengenalan PostgreSQL 5
2. Getting started 8
1. Overview Installing PostgreSQL
2. Install PostgreSQL for Windows users
3. Install PostgreSQL for Mac users
4. Install PostgreSQL for Linux Ubuntu users
5. Install PostgreSQL using Docker
6. Using psql as PostgreSQL editor
7. Using pgAdmin4 as PostgreSQL editor
8. Using thirdparty Editor untuk PostgreSQL Server
3. SQL - Select Statement 16
1. Overview SQL Select statements
2. Basic SQL Select statements
3. Build-in Operators
4. Build-in Functions
5. Filtering data with WHERE clause
6. Sorting rows using ORDER BY clause
7. Limit dan Offset rows
8. Time your practice (part 1)
9. Deep dive into Select Statements
10. Single Row / Group functions
11. Joined Tables
12. Queries inside a query (subquery)
13. Conditional Expressions
14. Combining Queries (UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT)
15. WITH Queries (Common Table Expressions)
16. Time your practice (part 2)
4. SQL - Data manipulation 10
1. Overview of Data Manipulation Language (DML)
2. Basic Create, Update, Delete statement
3. Deep dive into INSERT Statement
4. Deep dive into UPDATE Statement
5. Deep dive into DELETE statement
6. Prepared Statement in SQL
7. Cleanup Data from Table
8. Time your practice (part 3)
9. Overview of Concurrency Control
10. Getting started with Transaction Control (TCL)
5. SQL - Data definition (Tables)
- Materi: belum tersedia...
6. Study Kasus: Database design (Mapping)
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7. SQL - Indexes
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8. SQL - Users Management
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9. Type Conversion
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10. Query Performance Tips
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11. Study Kasus: Tokopedia clone
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12. Server Administration
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13. Pg/PL SQL
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14. Study Kasus: Backend engine
- Materi: belum tersedia...
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Overview of Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Hai semuanya, di materi kali ini kita akan membahas tentang Data Manipulation Language atau singkatannya DML. Untuk pembahasanya sendiri pada section ini diantaranya:
- Insert Data
- Update Data
- Delete Data
- Returning Data from modified Rows
- Concurrent Control
- Transaction isolation
- Explicit Locking
- Data Consistency Checks
- Caveats
- Locking and Indexes
- Insert, Update and Delete from Select statements
- Insert using WITH Queries
- Performance Tips
- Parallel Query
Ok mungkin sekian dulu yang bisa saya sampaikan terkait materi Data Manipulantion Language (DML) yang akan di bahas di materi selanjutnya.