Queries inside a query (subquery)
Hai semuanya, setelah kita membahas tentang Joined tables tahap selanjutnya kita akan membahas tentang Queries inside a query atau lebih di kenal dengan SubQuery. Seperti biasa karena pembahasannya akan lumayan panjang jadi kita akan bagi-bagi menjadi beberapa bagian ya diantaranya:
- What is SubQuery?
- Using SubQuery specified in column_list
- Correlate SubQuery
- Using SubQuery inline view
- Lateral Subqueries
- SubQuery as predicate in where clause
OK langsung aja kita ke pembahasan yang pertama
What is SubQuery?
A subquery is a query nested inside another query such as SELECT
. In this article, we are focusing on the SELECT
statement only.
Subquery in select statement can appear into select
, from
and where
clause, The basic syntax of subquery look like:
select select_column_list, (single_row_subquery_expression)
from from_tables [, (multi_columns_subquery_expression)]
where column_name operator (single_column_subquery_expression)
Dimana single_row_subquery_expression
adalah suatu query yang biasanya menghasilkan data 1 row dan 1 column contohnya:
select avg(salary)
from employees;
Kemudian untuk multiple_columns_subquery_expression
adalah suatu query yang bisa menghasilkan banyak data dan banyak column contohnya:
select employee_id, first_name, last_name
from employees;
dan yang terakhir untuk single_column_subquery_expression
adalah suatu query yang bisa menghasilkan banyak data dan hanya 1 column saja contohnya:
select salary
from employees;
PostgreSQL executes the query that contains a subquery in the following sequence:
- executes the subquery.
- gets the result and passes it to the outer query.
- executes the outer query.
Untuk lebih detailnya seperti ilustrasi seperti berikut:
Using SubQuery specified in select_column_list
SubQuery yang paling umum pada Select statement, di letakan pada column_list dan where clause. Kali ini kita bahas dulu untuk SubQuery pada column_list. The basic query form is
select select_column_list, [(single_row_subquery_expression), ...]
from from_tables
[where ...]
For example
Jika dijalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# SELECT j.job_title,
hr-# (SELECT min(h.start_date)::date FROM job_history h) as start_join
hr-# FROM jobs j;
job_title | start_join
President | 1987-09-17
Administration Vice President | 1987-09-17
Administration Assistant | 1987-09-17
Finance Manager | 1987-09-17
Accountant | 1987-09-17
Accounting Manager | 1987-09-17
Public Accountant | 1987-09-17
Sales Manager | 1987-09-17
Sales Representative | 1987-09-17
Purchasing Manager | 1987-09-17
Purchasing Clerk | 1987-09-17
Stock Manager | 1987-09-17
Stock Clerk | 1987-09-17
Shipping Clerk | 1987-09-17
Programmer | 1987-09-17
Marketing Manager | 1987-09-17
Marketing Representative | 1987-09-17
Human Resources Representative | 1987-09-17
Public Relations Representative | 1987-09-17
(19 rows)
Khusus untuk SubQuery pada select column_list, tidak bisa menggunakan subquery yang menghasilkan data lebih dari 1 baris, contohnya seperti berikut:
select j.job_title,
(select h.start_date from job_history h)
from jobs j;
Maka jika di jalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select j.job_title,
hr-# (select h.start_date from job_history h)
hr-# from jobs j;
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
Dan juga tidak bisa menggunakan subquery yang mehasilkan lebih dari 1 kolom, contohnya seperti berikut:
select j.job_title,
(select h.start_date, h.start_date from job_history h limit 1)
from jobs j;
Jika di jalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select j.job_title,
hr-# (select h.start_date, h.start_date from job_history h limit 1)
hr-# from jobs j;
ERROR: subquery must return only one column
LINE 2: (select h.start_date, h.start_date from job_history h...
Maka dari itu, kita harus memastikan data yang dikembalikan oleh subquery 1 row dan 1 column.
Correlate SubQuery
Correlated subqueries are used for row-by-row processing. Each subquery is executed once for every row of the outer query.
PostgreSQL executes the query that contains a subquery in the following sequence:
- Get a candiate row from outer query
- executes the inner query using candidate row value
- use value from inner query to quality or disqulity candidate row
Basic statement is:
SELECT column1, column2, ....
FROM table1 outer
WHERE column1 operator
(SELECT column3
FROM table2 inner
WHERE inner.column1 = outer.column1);
For example
Jika kita jalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select emp.employee_id,
hr-# emp.first_name employee_name,
hr-# (select man.first_name
hr(# from employees man
hr(# where emp.manager_id = man.employee_id) manager_name
hr-# from employees emp
hr-# where emp.manager_id is not null
hr-# limit 10;
employee_id | employee_name | manager_name
101 | Neena | Steven
102 | Lex | Steven
103 | Alexander | Lex
104 | Bruce | Alexander
105 | David | Alexander
106 | Valli | Alexander
107 | Diana | Alexander
108 | Nancy | Neena
109 | Daniel | Nancy
110 | John | Nancy
(10 rows)
Jika temen-temen perhatikan pada subquery dengan where clause emp.manager_id = man.employee_id
kita menggunakan column manager_id
pada outer query. Dan jika kita mau ngambil data ke dua dari subquery, kita harus mendefinisikan column baru seperti berikut:
Jika dijalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select emp.employee_id,
hr-# emp.first_name employee_name,
hr-# emp.salary employee_salary,
hr-# (select man.first_name
hr(# from employees man
hr(# where emp.manager_id = man.employee_id) manager_name,
hr-# (select man.salary
hr(# from employees man
hr(# where emp.manager_id = man.employee_id) manager_salary
hr-# from employees emp
hr-# where emp.manager_id is not null
hr-# limit 10;
employee_id | employee_name | employee_salary | manager_name | manager_salary
101 | Neena | 17000.00 | Steven | 24000.00
102 | Lex | 17000.00 | Steven | 24000.00
103 | Alexander | 9000.00 | Lex | 17000.00
104 | Bruce | 6000.00 | Alexander | 9000.00
105 | David | 4800.00 | Alexander | 9000.00
106 | Valli | 4800.00 | Alexander | 9000.00
107 | Diana | 4200.00 | Alexander | 9000.00
108 | Nancy | 12000.00 | Neena | 17000.00
109 | Daniel | 9000.00 | Nancy | 12000.00
110 | John | 8200.00 | Nancy | 12000.00
(10 rows)
Using SubQuery inline view
The subquery specified in the FROM
clause of a query is called an inline view. Because an inline view can replace a table in a query, it is also called a derived table. Sometimes, you may hear the term subselect, which is the same meaning as the inline view.
An inline view is not a real view but a subquery in the FROM
clause of a SELECT
statement. The basic syntax:
SELECT column1, column2, ....
FROM table1 outer, ( subquery_expression ) as subquery_alias, ...
For example:
Jika kita jalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select emp.employee_id, emp.first_name, emp.salary, func.rata2, func.minimun, func.maximum
hr-# from employees emp,
hr-# (select round(avg(job.max_salary), 0) rata2,
hr(# min(job.max_salary) minimun,
hr(# max(job.max_salary) maximum
hr(# from jobs job) as func
hr-# where emp.salary >= func.rata2;
employee_id | first_name | salary | rata2 | minimun | maximum
100 | Steven | 24000.00 | 13211 | 5000 | 40000
101 | Neena | 17000.00 | 13211 | 5000 | 40000
102 | Lex | 17000.00 | 13211 | 5000 | 40000
145 | John | 14000.00 | 13211 | 5000 | 40000
146 | Karen | 13500.00 | 13211 | 5000 | 40000
Lateral SubQueries
Subqueries appearing in FROM
can be preceded by the key word LATERAL
. This allows them to reference columns provided by preceding FROM items. (Without LATERAL
, each subquery is evaluated independently and so cannot cross-reference any other FROM item.) For example:
select emp.employee_id,
from employees emp,
(select job.job_id, job.start_date
from job_history job
where emp.employee_id = job.employee_id) as history
Jika kita execute maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select emp.employee_id,
hr-# emp.first_name,
hr-# history.job_id,
hr-# history.start_date
hr-# from employees emp,
hr-# (select job.job_id, job.start_date
hr(# from job_history job
hr(# where emp.employee_id = job.employee_id) as history;
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "emp"
LINE 8: where emp.employee_id = job.employee_id) as history;
HINT: There is an entry for table "emp", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
A LATERAL item can appear at top level in the FROM
list, or within a JOIN
tree. In the latter case it can also refer to any items that are on the left-hand side of a JOIN
that it is on the right-hand side of.
The basic syntax is:
SELECT column1, column2, ....
FROM table1 outer, LATERAL ( subquery_expression ) as subquery_alias, ...
When a FROM
item contains LATERAL
cross-references, evaluation proceeds as follows: for each row of the FROM
item providing the cross-referenced column(s), or set of rows of multiple FROM
items providing the columns, the LATERAL
item is evaluated using that row or row set’s values of the columns. The resulting row(s) are joined as usual with the rows they were computed from. This is repeated for each row or set of rows from the column source table(s).
For example:
Jika dijalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select emp.employee_id,
hr-# emp.first_name,
hr-# history.job_id,
hr-# history.start_date
hr-# from employees emp,
hr-# lateral (select job.job_id, job.start_date
hr(# from job_history job
hr(# where emp.employee_id = job.employee_id) as history
hr-# order by employee_id, job_id
hr-# ;
employee_id | first_name | job_id | start_date
101 | Neena | AC_ACCOUNT | 1989-09-21
101 | Neena | AC_MGR | 1993-10-28
102 | Lex | IT_PROG | 1993-01-13
114 | Den | ST_CLERK | 1998-03-24
122 | Payam | ST_CLERK | 1999-01-01
176 | Jonathon | SA_MAN | 1999-01-01
176 | Jonathon | SA_REP | 1998-03-24
200 | Jennifer | AC_ACCOUNT | 1994-07-01
200 | Jennifer | AD_ASST | 1987-09-17
201 | Michael | MK_REP | 1996-02-17
(10 rows)
Query tersebut akan sama jika kita menggunakan join seperti berikut:
select emp.employee_id,
from employees emp
join job_history history on (emp.employee_id = history.employee_id)
order by employee_id, job_id;
SubQuery as predicate in where clause
Selanjutnya kita bahas SubQuery Expression atau SubQuery yang diletakan pada WHERE
clause dengan beberapa operators atau predicates. Basic form of SubQuery:
select column_list, ...
from table1, ...
where column_expression operator (subquery_expression)
For example usage is:
Jika dijalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, commission_pct
hr-# from employees
hr-# where salary >= (
hr(# select min(max_salary)
hr(# from jobs
hr(# where job_id = 'IT_PROG'
hr(# )
hr-# limit 10;
employee_id | first_name | salary | commission_pct
100 | Steven | 24000.00 |
101 | Neena | 17000.00 |
102 | Lex | 17000.00 |
108 | Nancy | 12000.00 |
114 | Den | 11000.00 |
145 | John | 14000.00 | 0.40
146 | Karen | 13500.00 | 0.30
147 | Alberto | 12000.00 | 0.30
148 | Gerald | 11000.00 | 0.30
149 | Eleni | 10500.00 | 0.20
(10 rows)
Selain itu juga kita bisa gunakan correlate SubQuery pada WHERE
clause seperti berikut:
Jika di jalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, commission_pct, job_id
hr-# from employees emp
hr-# where emp.salary = (
hr(# select avg(min_salary)
hr(# from jobs job
hr(# where emp.job_id = job.job_id
hr(# );
employee_id | first_name | salary | commission_pct | job_id
119 | Karen | 2500.00 | | PU_CLERK
182 | Martha | 2500.00 | | SH_CLERK
191 | Randall | 2500.00 | | SH_CLERK
(3 rows)
Kemudian, untuk operator yang kita bisa gunakan dalam SubQuery as Predicate terdiri dari behavior suatu subquery resultset (Single / Multiple Rows). Diantaranya
- Using Single-Row Comparison
- Using
operator - Using
predicate to handle multiple values - Using
predicate to handle multiple values - Using
predicate to handler multiple values
Ok sekarang kita bahas satu-per-satu ya function tersebut.
Using SubQuery for Single-Row Comparison
SubQuery dengan WHERE
clause pada Single Row Comparison pada dasarnya udah kita bahas di materi sebelumnya kita bisa menggunakan beberapa operator seperti
- Relational predicate
- Like predicates
- Between predicates
- Null predicate
- Logical predicate
- Regular Expression (Regex) predicate
The basic form:
select column_list, ...
from table1, ...
where column_expression [| (columns_expression)] operator ( subquery_expression )
Contohnya seperti berikut:
Jika di jalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary
hr-# from employees emp
hr-# where emp.salary >= (select avg(max_salary) from jobs)
hr-# order by salary;
employee_id | first_name | salary
146 | Karen | 13500.00
145 | John | 14000.00
101 | Neena | 17000.00
102 | Lex | 17000.00
100 | Steven | 24000.00
(5 rows)
Selain itu juga kita bisa menggunakan multiple columns, contohnya seperti berikut:
Jika di jalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, coalesce(commission_pct, 0), job_id
hr-# from employees emp
hr-# where (emp.salary, emp.salary, emp.job_id) >= (
hr(# select round(stddev(max_salary), 0), round(max(min_salary)), 'IT_PROG'
hr(# from jobs
hr(# )
hr-# order by salary
hr-# limit 10;
employee_id | first_name | salary | coalesce | job_id
158 | Allan | 9000.00 | 0.35 | SA_REP
109 | Daniel | 9000.00 | 0 | FI_ACCOUNT
152 | Peter | 9000.00 | 0.25 | SA_REP
103 | Alexander | 9000.00 | 0 | IT_PROG
163 | Danielle | 9500.00 | 0.15 | SA_REP
151 | David | 9500.00 | 0.25 | SA_REP
157 | Patrick | 9500.00 | 0.35 | SA_REP
170 | Tayler | 9600.00 | 0.20 | SA_REP
150 | Peter | 10000.00 | 0.30 | SA_REP
156 | Janette | 10000.00 | 0.35 | SA_REP
(10 rows)
Pada query tersebut, jika kita menggunakan logical operator seperti berikut:
where salary >= 8876 or salary >= 20000 or job_id = IT_PROG
The argument of EXISTS
is an arbitrary SELECT
statement, or subquery. The subquery is evaluated to determine whether it returns any rows. If it returns at least one row, the result of EXISTS
is “true”; if the subquery returns no rows, the result of EXISTS is “false”.
EXISTS (subquery)
For example
Jika dijalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, job_id, salary
hr-# from employees out
hr-# where exists(
hr(# select 1
hr(# from job_history
hr(# where employee_id = out.employee_id);
employee_id | first_name | job_id | salary
176 | Jonathon | SA_REP | 8600.00
101 | Neena | AD_VP | 17000.00
114 | Den | PU_MAN | 11000.00
200 | Jennifer | AD_ASST | 4400.00
201 | Michael | MK_MAN | 13000.00
102 | Lex | AD_VP | 17000.00
122 | Payam | ST_MAN | 7900.00
(7 rows)
Using IN
predicate to handle multiple values
Untuk menghandle resultset multiple rows yang di kembalikan oleh SubQuery salah satu method yang paling commons adalah menggunakan IN
predicate. Secara syntax seperti berikut:
expression IN (subquery)
The right-hand side is a parenthesized subquery, which must return exactly one column. The left-hand expression is evaluated and compared to each row of the subquery result. The result of IN
is “true” if any equal subquery row is found. The result is “false” if no equal row is found (including the case where the subquery returns no rows).
Contoh penggunaanya seperti berikut:
Jika dijalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, job_id
hr-# from employees out
hr-# where job_id in (
hr(# select distinct job_id
hr(# from employees inq
hr(# where inq.department_id = 80)
hr-# limit 10;
employee_id | first_name | salary | job_id
145 | John | 14000.00 | SA_MAN
146 | Karen | 13500.00 | SA_MAN
147 | Alberto | 12000.00 | SA_MAN
148 | Gerald | 11000.00 | SA_MAN
149 | Eleni | 10500.00 | SA_MAN
150 | Peter | 10000.00 | SA_REP
151 | David | 9500.00 | SA_REP
152 | Peter | 9000.00 | SA_REP
153 | Christopher | 8000.00 | SA_REP
154 | Nanette | 7500.00 | SA_REP
(10 rows)
Sama halnya seperti sebelumnya, pada IN
predicate juga bisa menggunakan multiple column seperti berikut contohnya:
Jika di jalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, job_id
hr-# from employees out
hr-# where (job_id, salary) in (
hr(# select distinct job_id, (select max(min_salary) from jobs where inq.job_id = job_id)
hr(# from employees inq
hr(# )
hr-# limit 10;
employee_id | first_name | salary | job_id
119 | Karen | 2500.00 | PU_CLERK
182 | Martha | 2500.00 | SH_CLERK
191 | Randall | 2500.00 | SH_CLERK
Untuk query tersebut jika kita menggunakan logical operator maka querynya seperti berikut:
where job_id = 'PU_CLERK' and job_id = 'SH_CLERK' and salary = 2500 and ...
Using ANY
predicate to handle multiple values
Sama halnya dengan IN
predicates, ANY
atau SOME
bisa digunakan untuk menghandle subquery untuk multiple rows. Berikut syntax dasarnya:
expression operator ANY (subquery)
expression operator SOME (subquery)
The right-hand side is a parenthesized subquery, which must return exactly one column. The left-hand expression is evaluated and compared to each row of the subquery result using the given operator, which must yield a Boolean result. The result of ANY
is “true” if any true
result is obtained. The result is “false” if no true result is found (including the case where the subquery returns no rows).
is a synonym for ANY
. IN
is equivalent to = ANY
. As with EXISTS
, it’s unwise to assume that the subquery will be evaluated completely.
row_constructor operator ANY (subquery)
row_constructor operator SOME (subquery)
For example
Selain itu juga kita bisa menggunakan > ANY
atau < ANY
seperti berikut:
Jika di jalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select max(salary) max_salary
hr-# from employees
hr-# group by job_id
hr-# order by max_salary;
(19 rows)
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, job_id
hr-# from employees out
hr-# where salary = any (
hr(# select max(salary) max_salary
hr(# from employees
hr(# group by job_id
hr(# order by max_salary
hr(# )
hr-# limit 10;
employee_id | first_name | salary | job_id
100 | Steven | 24000.00 | AD_PRES
101 | Neena | 17000.00 | AD_VP
102 | Lex | 17000.00 | AD_VP
103 | Alexander | 9000.00 | IT_PROG
104 | Bruce | 6000.00 | IT_PROG
107 | Diana | 4200.00 | IT_PROG
108 | Nancy | 12000.00 | FI_MGR
109 | Daniel | 9000.00 | FI_ACCOUNT
110 | John | 8200.00 | FI_ACCOUNT
114 | Den | 11000.00 | PU_MAN
(10 rows)
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, job_id
hr-# from employees out
hr-# where salary > any (
hr(# select max(salary) max_salary
hr(# from employees
hr(# group by job_id
hr(# order by max_salary
hr(# )
hr-# limit 10;
employee_id | first_name | salary | job_id
100 | Steven | 24000.00 | AD_PRES
101 | Neena | 17000.00 | AD_VP
102 | Lex | 17000.00 | AD_VP
103 | Alexander | 9000.00 | IT_PROG
104 | Bruce | 6000.00 | IT_PROG
105 | David | 4800.00 | IT_PROG
106 | Valli | 4800.00 | IT_PROG
107 | Diana | 4200.00 | IT_PROG
108 | Nancy | 12000.00 | FI_MGR
109 | Daniel | 9000.00 | FI_ACCOUNT
Using ALL
predicate to handler multiple values
Dan yang terakhir, untuk menghandle multiple row pada predicate subquery yaitu ALL
. Basic syntaxnya:
expression operator ALL (subquery)
The right-hand side is a parenthesized subquery, which must return exactly one column. The left-hand expression is evaluated and compared to each row of the subquery result using the given operator, which must yield a Boolean result. The result of ALL
is “true” if all rows yield true (including the case where the subquery returns no rows). The result is “false” if any false result is found. The result is NULL
if no comparison with a subquery row returns false, and at least one comparison returns NULL
is equivalent to <> ALL
. As with EXISTS
, it’s unwise to assume that the subquery will be evaluated completely.
row_constructor operator ALL (subquery)
For example:
Jika di jalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select min(salary) min_salary
hr-# from employees
hr-# group by job_id
hr-# order by min_salary;
(19 rows)
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, job_id
hr-# from employees out
hr-# where salary <> ALL (
hr(# select min(salary) min_salary
hr(# from employees
hr(# group by job_id
hr(# order by min_salary
hr(# );
employee_id | first_name | salary | job_id
103 | Alexander | 9000.00 | IT_PROG
105 | David | 4800.00 | IT_PROG
106 | Valli | 4800.00 | IT_PROG
109 | Daniel | 9000.00 | FI_ACCOUNT
110 | John | 8200.00 | FI_ACCOUNT
111 | Ismael | 7700.00 | FI_ACCOUNT
112 | Jose Manuel | 7800.00 | FI_ACCOUNT
115 | Alexander | 3100.00 | PU_CLERK
116 | Shelli | 2900.00 | PU_CLERK
117 | Sigal | 2800.00 | PU_CLERK
118 | Guy | 2600.00 | PU_CLERK
120 | Matthew | 8000.00 | ST_MAN
121 | Adam | 8200.00 | ST_MAN
122 | Payam | 7900.00 | ST_MAN
125 | Julia | 3200.00 | ST_CLERK
126 | Irene | 2700.00 | ST_CLERK
127 | James | 2400.00 | ST_CLERK
(73 rows)
Selain itu juga kita bisa menggunakan > ALL
atau < ALL
seperti berikut:
Jika dijalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:
hr=# select max(salary) max_salary
hr-# from employees
hr-# group by job_id
hr-# order by max_salary;
(19 rows)
hr=# select employee_id, first_name, salary, job_id
hr-# from employees out
hr-# where salary < ALL (
hr(# select max(salary) max_salary
hr(# from employees
hr(# group by job_id
hr(# order by max_salary
hr(# );
employee_id | first_name | salary | job_id
116 | Shelli | 2900.00 | PU_CLERK
117 | Sigal | 2800.00 | PU_CLERK
118 | Guy | 2600.00 | PU_CLERK
119 | Karen | 2500.00 | PU_CLERK
126 | Irene | 2700.00 | ST_CLERK
127 | James | 2400.00 | ST_CLERK
128 | Steven | 2200.00 | ST_CLERK
130 | Mozhe | 2800.00 | ST_CLERK
131 | James | 2500.00 | ST_CLERK
132 | TJ | 2100.00 | ST_CLERK
134 | Michael | 2900.00 | ST_CLERK
135 | Ki | 2400.00 | ST_CLERK
136 | Hazel | 2200.00 | ST_CLERK
139 | John | 2700.00 | ST_CLERK
140 | Joshua | 2500.00 | ST_CLERK
143 | Randall | 2600.00 | ST_CLERK
144 | Peter | 2500.00 | ST_CLERK
182 | Martha | 2500.00 | SH_CLERK
183 | Girard | 2800.00 | SH_CLERK
187 | Anthony | 3000.00 | SH_CLERK
190 | Timothy | 2900.00 | SH_CLERK
191 | Randall | 2500.00 | SH_CLERK
195 | Vance | 2800.00 | SH_CLERK
197 | Kevin | 3000.00 | SH_CLERK
198 | Donald | 2600.00 | SH_CLERK
199 | Douglas | 2600.00 | SH_CLERK
(26 rows)